Pinay Posting a Naked Photos in HongKong faces Deportation

vPinay Posting a Naked Photos

 A young Pinay in Hong Kong named Gie Mandin Hong Kong Scandal Girl on Facebook page hurts the feelings of her fellow Filipinos who work in the same country.

OFWs in Hong Kong want her to be deported whose nude photos are all over the social media networks.

One of the text messages by a concerned Filipino citizen said that they saw her scandal videos sent to her Facebook account by other Filipinos who know this woman. She also confirmed via Facebook text messenger that it seemed the woman involved has been doing these malicious acts numerous times.

A concerned Filipino citizen added that there are a lot of Filipinos who do the same malicious acts in Hong Kong, but their Philippine consulate is not doing something about it.

This story is not new for Filipinos around the world. They'd been warned several times before to stop posting nude photos like this for their own security and safety. But still, there are others who continue to send wrong messages to the viewers and are attention-seekers.source:
Pinay Posting a Naked Photos in HongKong faces Deportation Pinay Posting a Naked Photos in HongKong faces Deportation Reviewed by admin on August 03, 2015 Rating: 5

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